From followers to members.All in one Kollektiv experience.
If you're a current or ex-pro athlete, a performance coach, team or community training club- become a Kollektiv 'Creator' and unleash the true value of your audience with our one-of-kind platform.

From followers to members all in one Kollektiv experience.
If you're a current or ex-pro athlete, a performance coach, team or community training club- become a Kollektiv 'Creator' and unleash the true value of your audience with our one-of-kind platform.
S W I M .
C Y C L E .
R U N.
T R I A T H L O N .
- Professional Athletes
- Ex-Professional Athletes
- Performance Coaches
- Professional Teams
- Community Training Clubs
Creators are those with the experience to inspire everyday people to train better and live healthier.
Like many ‘Creators’ today, you may feel that your expertise and influence has a positive impact on the success of others. But could you deliver even more impact, if your knowledge and influence was accessible and scalable to a larger audience? For most people in your position the answer is yes. Our platform offers an end-to-end managed experience, where you get to train, inspire and engage with your audience, and we take care of the heavy lifting. Take a look at the benefits below to help you consider how we turn your followers into members and offer a one-of-a-kind training platform that helps everyone reach their goals.
S W I M .
C Y C L E .
R U N.
T R I A T H L O N .
Scale expertise
Build hyper personalised training communities that inspire and scale
Recurring revenue
Make it affordable for your followers to become your members
Engage & Inspire
Mobile-first tools to engage and motivate your community
Community led
Bring community ownership to you and your audience
A creator first eco-systeminspiring the world to move
Our platform enables creators, and groups of creators, to deliver and scale a personal training, content and community business to the masses, with minimal setup and zero upfront cost. Enhance your community offering and deliver high value by providing adaptive training, anytime e-learning and social motivation to every member all from one device. It works like this…

Build your Kollektiv
Creators setup and build social training communities on Kollektiv's tech platform.

Start your community
Each community delivers individualised training, feedback and motivation to every member.

Motivate your athletes
Creators generate new revenue streams, scale their influence whilst earning and engaging.
What type of Creator best matches you?

Professional Athletes
It’s very likely you have a large and active following, domestically and globally. You’re seen as a trusted source of information and inspiration. Kollektiv helps you scale this influence and impact your following with minimal effort.
It’s built in such a way that even the most busy, world record achieving athletescan empower and coach their followers without too much time lost. Kollektiv exists where and when you need it to.
Seize the opportunity
Less than 20% of current pro-athletes are leveraging their online followers with new opportunities.
ex-Professional Athletes
You might have retired from your chosen sport after accomplishing major achievements in your life, yet you still have a lot to give. We’re certain that beyond the race course, a career that focuses on the personal training and motivation of others can be equally or more rewarding.. Let Kollektiv harness and nurture your community and expertise, making your lasting legacy even more valuable, beyond the final hanging up of your race suit.
Still delivering value
Even after semi or full retirement 86% of Former Professionals remain working. Let Kollektiv work for you.

Perfomance Coaches
With extensive knowledge of the elite and performance side of sport, PerformanceCoaches carry exceptional levels of credibility and wisdom. Often responsible for the major international performances of renowned professional athletes, their influence and impact on the everyday athlete can be game-changing. The difficulty is most lack the right tools or app to scale this expertise. This is where we come in, Kollektiv provides all coaches with a simple but powerful interface to offer hyper-personalised, truly affordable and scalable performance coaching.
Details in the data
Over 90% of the performance coaches who were surveyed by Kollektiv said they lacked solutions that enabled them to reach wider audiences and be more accessible.
Community Training Clubs
A major player in culture and endurance sports, your local Community Training Club, not only helps nurture and grow talent but provides a long lasting legacy for many athletes to build upon.
Whether it’s the weekly group training sessions or for the social aspect – Kollektiv transforms the physical training club-house into a digital training club-house, helping you safeguard the future by enabling unseen revenue opportunities that help you grow and retain your ‘local heroes’ and club experience.
Don't lose out
More than 68% of clubs we heard from say they're losing out to external coaching revenue due to lack of a fit-for-purpose solution.
Professional Teams
As a team it’s likely that amongst you there are Creators that have large online fan bases or followings. The challenge is that most professional teams don’t have a direct-to-consumer platform for delivering value to these followings and as such large business opportunities are lost for everyone.
Kollektiv is built from the ground up to enable professional teams to build robust, high-value, and purposeful training communities. Fronted by the Creators that are the icons that drive these teams forward. If this sounds like you feel free to ‘Request More Info’.
Gated revenue works
No solution is yet to enable professional cycling, running and triathlon teams to deliver meaningful value that drives a direct-to-community recurring revenue
It can only costif you never try it.
Train and inspire your followers by building a Kollektiv today.

Get in touch
Do you run your own training community and want to take it to the next level?